These are some examples that might be useful.
Share your own examples or other wiki's you find interesting.
Survivor 21st Century: Geocaching in Education
This presentation wiki was used at ICE 2011 to share how to use GPS devices in the classroom.
Using Visual Literacy Tools
This presentation wiki shares a variety of online visual tools that support visual literacy in the classroom.
Language Teacher's Wiki
This wiki provides and overview of Web2.0 tools and suggestions for literacy activities. This wiki has not been updated to version 2.0 as of 11/08. Some of the features will appear different.
Hoover Lit Ladies
Book club for teachers. These teachers are reading and commenting on Mosaic of Thought. They also seem to be having a lot of fun.
Bullitt Central High School
School home page. Seems to just be getting started.
Great idea to have links all set up for teachers ahead of time.
World History Class
Teacher created page for all class information. Good way to keep all class information in a central location. Watch your text size, students do not need nor do they like very large text. Do not underline text unless it is a hyperlink.
Grade 12 Math Curriculum
"The objective of this project is to create an electronic portfolio that clearly and concisely explains these outcomes and connects each outcome with a sample problem. By using a wiki located on the world wide web, students can collaborate to develop these explanations and then share them with each other. "
Bowling Green Technology
Technolgy resources for parents and teachers.
American Presidents Project Page
This wiki provides an engaging structure for student's biography research. While kids are researching significant individuals, they display their research in a way that interests and motivates other students to read their work; even comment or ask questions to guide the research.
VIP Poets
This wiki gives students an opportunity to share their writing with the world, and each other. It's an authentic publishing opportunity.
WHS Elementary School Action Planning
A collaborative planning place for high school students working a presentation for younger students.
History Class
Provides project overview resource links for a history project. Providing links can save class time. Depends on your instructional goals for your students. Notice the Ads on the sidebar of this Wikispace. PBwiki is an Ad Free environment.
Directory of Public Educational Wikis from PBwiki
More? See our list of 50 Ways to Use Your Wiki 
Comments (1)
Mrs. Moore said
at 12:15 pm on Nov 12, 2008
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